Saturday morning a crew of earthmovers convened at Swope park for what would be the final major session of trail work before the grand opening of Phase 1 next Saturday. The trailhead was finished in grand style with a huge inviting bench cut that will make any dirt monger start salivating. After a few hours of work we knocked back a good many laps, and I was giddy as can be, simply put, I love the trails at Swope. Anybody that can, try and make it for the opening next Saturday morning, details can be found
Sunday morning and we were up and at'em on our way to Leavenworth. While Amber settled into her registration duties I walked the course and decided it looked like a good time. There was an entertaining cat 3/4 race, a strong mix of guys were racing hard at the front, real good to see.
Our race had a little bigger field than the past few races which was nice. A couple of laps in I was dangling seconds back off the lead group, I could not bridge up and had to settle in for my own race. It was cool to see youngster Chris Wallace up on the front on Jenson's wheel. Those two quickly started to put time into Shadd and Bill Marshall ahead of me. This race was as poor as I have felt physically yet this season, I did not feel like I had any punch but I was still tempo'ing along fine enough, and I was happy because I was still having a good time on the course. Shadd and Bill were a long ways ahead of me, but the last two laps Adam Mills was breathing down my neck. Since we were racing for the last money position I was not going to be taking it easy the last laps. Luckily I had just enough to hang on, a little bit of cash for food before I headed into work for inventory scanning. A nice busy weekend.

Oh yeah my new
Yeti cross bike is sweet.
See, we can ride near each other and not crash. Of course you didn't waste any time passing me and riding away. Glad you didn't get hung up on that anchor I was draggin around.
Tell Amber thanks for yelling for me. Besides the kids being there she was the only thing that kept me on the bike.
I know I just like giving you a hard time.
You will feel better next weekend
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