Friday, March 21, 2008


6:30 AM- Out the door with Mr. Dirty Kanza
7:00 AM-On the bike leaving Bonner Springs on gravel
10:00AM- Roll into the bike shop to build my new newest bike (HiFi) before my 12:00 shift starts
10:01 AM- Begin helping customers
10:01AM-8:05PM- Work like a one armed paper hanger
8:05PM-8:30-Built the HiFi
8:30PM-Rode the HiFi Downtown to hook up with pedicab Jim
11:30PM- Back at home

That was cool

Tomorrow I should have photos of my inaugural pedicab adventures

1 comment:

cvo said...

a couple of years ago we had peddi cabs in Lincoln Neb, and they worked out fine, Often I'd make a hundred bucks on a Friday or Saturday with our bar sceen. On football home games, if you could last all day, I heard of guys bringing home over 500 bucks in a full 10-12 hour shift.

and oh man, was it ever a great workout. I was stoked when hot chicks would just pile in... peddle faster and let the skirts fly...

good fun, and good training.

enjoy yourself man.

see ya sometime this summer